Adineta from permafrost, dorsoventral view of a creeping/ feeding animal. This species belongs to the Adineta vaga-complex. |
Adineta from permafrost, lateral view of a creeping animal. |
Adineta from permafrost; anterior part |
Adineta from permafrost; detail of the anterior part (crop of 2nd image) |
Adineta from permafrost, lateral view (optical median section) of the anterior part of a creeping/ feeding animal. |
Adineta from permafrost, another lateral aspect, different focus plane, which is indicatedby the vertical line in the inset. |
Adineta from permafrost, another lateral aspect, different focus plane. |
Adineta from permafrost, two images of the anterior part compressed specimen. Left image: stained with Calcofluor white that stains polysaccharides like for example chitin. The ramate trophi and (parts of) the rakes show intense fluorescence (excitation 395 nm). The arrowheads point to the chitinous U-hooks, the number of which is 4/4 in each of the rakes of 25 specimens that were examined. Right image: trophi and rake apparatus of another compressed and macerated specimen. |
Adineta from permafrost, two images of the rake apparatus, different focus planes. Left: focus on the U-hooks and denticles; right: focus plane on the rake plates with Y-shaped structures on the dorsal side which might function as reinforcement elements. |
Adineta from permafrost, two images of the dorsal antenna. Left: lateral view; right: dorsal view. |
Adineta from permafrost, vitellarium with 8 nuclei each; ovary with 10 nuclei each. |
Adineta from permafrost, two images of the foot with spurs (type 3). |
Adineta from permafrost, contracted specimen after anabiosis carrying two eggs. |
Adineta from permafrost; ramate trophi with dental formula (DF): 2/2. ramus length (RaL): 12µm. (1) |